Circumcision has been practiced for
thousands of years.
In fact, it is the oldest reported surgical
procedure known to man.
Although it is often performed for
religious reasons, people early on realized that
circumcision also has several health benefits, many of them
linked to improved hygiene. Modern medicine has verified
many of these benefits. As a result,
millions of men have been circumcised in North
America during the past 60-80 years alone. The
overwhelming majority of them are perfectly
happy about it, and why shouldnīt they be:
they have, after all, been guaranteed a care-free and
hassle-free life when it comes to maters
of penile hygiene and health.
Most people therefore hardly ever give the topic
of circumcision any thought unless
they are confronted directly by it. Typical
examples are prospective parents, and men who are
considering circumcision due to problems
like phimosis - or even for personal reasons.
When these people try to find help or
advice, more often than not they
are confronted by a barrage of information that is not
only incredibly biased and negative, but also presented in
a threatening and intimidating manner (for a discussion,
see here).
To most people this will come as a complete surprise.
Instead of getting helpful information,
one is told - in no uncertain
terms - that one has been mutilated
(sexually and as a human being), that oneīs human
rights had been violated, that one might still be
suffering from the trauma (and pain) caused by
the circumcision etc.. Because of the severity of
these allegations, it is no wonder that some individuals
start to question a
procedure that - up till that point - had rarely been a
topic of discussion or thought. An innocent quest for
knowledge turns into a very scary and unnerving experience.
After this initial shock,
most people, however, come to realize that what they have
read does not agree with their own personal experiences.
A more careful reading of the available information
brings the realization that, amongst the dozens of
sites opposing circumcision,
there is not a single one that offers an objective and rational
discussion of the subject. Medical
studies are used in a totally biased way to
emphasize only one side of the issue, and no effort
is made to give a broad overview of the subject.
By furthermore making outrageous allegations that are not backed
up by any credible scientific evidence, these websites exploit
people's insecurities and personal problems:
circumcision becomes a convenient scapegoat for all
possible ills present in modern society.
On reflection, however, this behavior of active
misinformation should come as no surprise. After all, how
else can one discredit a procedure that most
people are totally satisfied with and that has
served its purpose very well - so well in
fact that most people take it totally for granted?
There are probably several reasons why circumcision
has become such a controversial subject. Some of the claims
about the benefits of circumcision, first made at
the turn of the century
when it was prescribed as a treatment for a
variety of ailments ranging from
paralysis to mental disorders, were certainly
exaggerated. In some ways circumcision became
the victim of its own success. It is also true that
in many cases circumcision was "used" to curb
masturbation. This is, however, more a reflection
on the kind of prudish society that was prevalent at the time
(early 1900's) than on the procedure itself.
After the Second World War circumcision became a
routine surgery, with most of male infants in
North America being circumcised. The main reasons
for this was improved genital hygiene, health
benefits and cultural preferences. During the
sixties, however, many of the traditions and
assumptions of society came to be questioned.
Circumcision was one of these, with some people
starting to question something that
was being taken for granted.
That in itself is, of course, not a bad thing. There
is a difference, however, between questioning something
and actively trying to stop it altogether
by any means at your disposal. And the latter is,
unfortunately the way the anti-circumcision cult - for
most part - has reacted. Instead of providing unbiased information,
they are spreading misinformation and hatred for anything or anyone who
is involved in circumcision. The behavior of many of these
groups and individuals has become so fanatical,
that there have even been reports
of pro-circumcision delegates to conferences
being forced to check in at hotels using aliases,
because they were afraid for their safety
(see e.g. an abstract from the Chicago
Herald Tribune).
The public in general - and parents who are acting in their
childīs best interest in particular - have the right to know
all the available information that there is about
circumcision. This includes both the benefits
and disadvantages of the procedure. However, reading
the information that can be found on the anti-circumcision
websites and many of the publication and books that
are available, it is hard not to get the impression that
the opponents of circumcision are not interested in
providing unbiased information and presenting the
facts presented in the scientific literature.
Instead they seem to have only one goal in mind, namely to stop
the practice of circumcision alltogether by any means
at their disposal, and for whatever reason it may
be performed (including religious reasons).
Parents who are trying to find information about
the subject on internet sites and chatrooms are often
harassed and threatened, and made to feel guilty about
even considering circumcision for their son.
These groups are furthermore not interested in having
a constructive dialogue with those people who might
disagree with their viewpoints and favor the procedure.
Scientific evidence that contradicts their beliefs
is ignored or dismissed and often misquoted to instead
support their claims.
This is not the way that one would expect honest and
well-meaning people to react,
and most people would agree that
this kind of behavior clearly exceeds the bounds
of acceptability, and should neither be condoned nor tolerated.
The anti-circumcision
lobby has been active since the late 1960īs, i.e.
for at least 3 decades. During this time they have
waged a relentless campaign to try and discourage
parents from circumcising their infant sons. It
is interesting to note that despite these tireless
efforts, the circumcision rate in the US remains
above 60%.
This failure to influence and change the
publicīs perception - and acceptance - of circumcision
has meant that the tactics employed by many of these
groups have become more and more desperate
(for a discussion,
see here).
The claims that are now being made have become
more and more outlandish - e.g. that circumcision
causes long term psychogical problems and is
the cause for a lot of the violence present
is society. None of these claims is backed
up by any credible scientific study.
There is overwhelming evidence from present and past
medical research
that circumcision has several health
benefits associated with it.
As in all surgical procedures there are, of course,
some risks attached to it. However, as we will discuss
below, these risks can be minimized, and under normal
circumstances it is a very safe procedure.
For most men, however,
the real practical benefits are those
experienced in everyday life.
If you are one of the millions of men that have
been circumcised, then ask yourself if your own
experience of circumcision
agrees with what you have read.
In all likelyhood you will say no! And you
are not alone: many men have testified about
their satisfaction on being circumcised
(see the personal testimonies on
this site,
(see here for links).
For many of these individuals, circumcision is an
overwhelmingly positive experience that often
was preceded by many years of physical (and sometimes even
psychological) suffering which could easily
have been avoided.
In order to make an informed decision, you might consider
the following facts.
Health Benefits
Medical studies have shown that circumcision greatly reduces
the risk of urinary tract infections (UTI),
especially in the first year of life.
These infections can cause serious problems, especially
in infants. For example, UTI can cause scarring of the kidney and
ultimately hypertension or kidney failure. To make matters worse,
recent studies have shown that UTI are becoming
more resistant to anti-biotics, thereby making treatment both
much harder and less effective.
Cancer of the penis
is virtually non-existent
in circumcised men. Of the 60000 cases reported since the
1930īs, fewer than 10 occurred in circumcised men. The risk of
penile cancer in uncircumcised men is 1 case per 400-600 men,
while in circumcised men it is 1 case per 75000 to 8 million men
Circumcision also
helps to reduce the risk of cervical cancer in female
partners. Prostate cancer may also be increased for
uncircumcised men.
Recent research
has again confirmed that
infant circumcision reduces the risk of contracting
sexually transmitted diseases,
including HIV.
Circumcision also eliminates problems like phimosis (intractable
foreskin) and balanitis (inflammation of the foreskin).
Even though these problems only occur
in about 10% of men, they can be very painful if not treated.
In older males, phimosis can cause urine blockage with acute
hypersensitive kidney damage. Other painful problems that might
occur include paraphimosis (where the retracted foreskin
cannot be brought back again over the glans) and
posthitis (inflammation of the foreskin). Uncircumcised men are
often unaware that these problems are all related to
the presence of a foreskin,
and that the discomfort and pain that they are
experiencing are easily treatable.
In almost all cases, the only permanent treatment is circumcision.
Hygiene Benefits
Opponents of circumcision often state that the uncircumcised
penis can be kept sufficiently clean by just using soap and water.
However, what they fail to mention is the fact that the build-up
of bacteria that causes smegma and odors starts again immediately
after cleaning. Urine further worsens matters. To maintain
a sufficient standard of penile hygiene would therefore
entail cleaning under the foreskin at least every time
after urinating. Everyone knows that in real life this is
almost totally impossible to accomplish. E.g., at work most men
have to share a restroom with other colleagues, which makes
it impossible to indulge in the necessary cleaning activities.
At home, frequent cleaning, although possible, is a constant
hassle from a time and effort point of view.
Young boys, especially between the ages of 4-14, are often
very water-shy. Getting them to bathe frequently can
be a hard task for parents. If maintaining general hygiene is a problem,
just imagine how difficult the situation regarding penile hygiene
will be. A boy who does not like to bathe is not likely to
clean under his foreskin!
One day your son will be a grown man, and studies have shown
that women have a preference for
a circumcised penis. The reasons for this are not hard to understand:
most women find the circumcised penis more aesthetically pleasing, and
a circumcised penis is also cleaner, which makes spontaneous sexual
intercourse possible. There are also health benefits by
reducing the the risk of transmitting
or spreading vaginal (e.g. yeast) infections.
In an age where the general population in the US and other
developed nations is getting older, there
has been a steady increase in the number of people
who need extended care.
In older men, the absence of circumcision can cause
various health problems,
and cleanliness if often difficult to achieve among those with
limited mobility.
For those unable to take care of
themselves, there often are added emotional problems
caused e.g. by the embarrassment of having one's personal
cleaning done by another person. It should therefore come
as no surprise that most nursing personal that work
with extended-care mature men are in favor of circumcision!
Sensitivity of the Penis
The claim that circumcision reduces the sensitivity of
the penis, thereby diminishing sexual
pleasure for both partners, is one of the most controversial
and most hotly debated issues surrounding circumcision.
This claim is, however, a complete fallacy for the following reasons.
There is no
scientific evidence that
supports this allegation. Remember, the foreskin is not
the only erogenous part of the penis! Secondly, men
who were circumcised as adults report that sex without
a foreskin is totally different, which makes direct comparisons
meaningless. What is also interesting, is that
these men have
testified that for them sex is better than before.
A recent study [3]
has furthermore shown
that circumcised men have more varied sex lives.
If circumcision did indeed diminish sexual pleasure, this
would hardly be the case!
The allegation that the foreskin "facilitates" intercourse
by being able to slide back and forth is another popular myth
that has been refuted by the above-mentioned testimonies: most
men have reported just the opposite, namely that the foreskin
covers the glans for most of the time, which lessens the
sensitivity experienced by the male partner during intercourse.
The use of condoms, which in the light of the increase in the spread of
sexually transmitted diseases has become more important than ever,
is far easier if the penis is circumcised, since
the foreskin is often in the way, and has to be retracted correctly
for the condom to fit properly.
During circumcison typically 20-50% of the foreskin is removed
(depending on the method used)
and not the 80% that is often quoted!. If you are worried
that too much foreskin might be removed, then the best solution
is to talk to the person who will be performing the procedure.
Also, circumcision does not shorten the penis!
It is a great pity that the anti-circumcision lobby deems
it necessary to revert to these kind of scare tactics,
based on unsubstantiated claims, to dissuade parents
rather than providing them with unbiased medically
based evidence to support their claims.
The Issue of Pain
There is no doubt that circumcision without the use of analgesia and/or
anesthesia can be painful and uncomfortable to the infant.
However, parents can - and should - insist that the person
carrying out the circumcision (pediatrician, obstetrician
or family doctor) uses some form of pain relief.
With the use of anesthesia
like the dorsal ring block
(recommended by the AAP) the operation can be
made almost painless.
Parents can go one step further by seeing to it that
the circumcision is performed by an experienced operator.
This will not only reduce the
risks involved (which are already very small, see below), but
also shorten the time it takes to do the operation (which
normally lasts only a few minutes). Being there
to comfort your child during the procedure could also
help to reduce his discomfort.
Pain therefore no longer needs to be an issue
when considering circumcision!
Risks: the Safety Issue
Circumcision is a surgical procedure and, as such, inherently has
some risks attached to it. However, it is still
one of the safest surgical procedures around. Let us
look at some statistics in more detail
Significant bleeding is rare: only 1-2 per 1000 performed circumcisions
may need pressure to stop bleeding, while 1 in 400 cases will
require a stitch to stop the bleeding.
Serious infections develop in about 1 in 4000 cases. These can
usually easily be treated using anti-biotics.
In the 40 year period 1953-1993, there were three reported infant
fatalities due to hemorrhage.
However, two of these cases involved circumcision
at home by non-medical persons. To further put these statistics
into perspective: during the same period, 9,000 - 12,000
men died of penile cancer, and approximately 40-50 million men
were circumcised.
Statistics like these clearly refute the claim that circumcision
is a dangerous surgical procedure.
Legal Issues
The issue of informed consent has frequently been raised in recent
years. The opponents of circumcision often allege that it
is "illegal", since it is performed
without the childīs consent. That this statement
does not make sense can easily be seen by considering
what parental duties and obligations are all about.
Parents are responsible for the well-being
of their child, and they have to act in his/her best
interest. That includes things like immunization -
and having their son circumcised if they believe
that it is in his best interest. As a
parent you have both the legal and moral right
to make this decision. The American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP) furthermore supports this position.
Medical Costs
Circumcision has a prophylactic health value regardless of the reason
why it is performed, and its benefits last a lifetime.
Moreover, the average circumcision costs less than $200, compared to
several thousand dollars for a normal hospital birth.
Taking all these factors into account,
circumcision can be considered to offer exceptional value for money.
Why Infant Circumcision?
Infant circumcision has several benefits over adult circumcision.
As an newborn, the procedure can be done using local anesthesia
and in most cases without hospitalization.
This, and the fact
that the operation lasts only a few minutes, means that
the medical costs involved are low (see above).
The healing process normally only takes around a week.
A recent study [5]
has furthermore shown that postpubertal
circumcision provides less protection against HIV-1 infection
than circumcision performed before the onset of puberty.
As an adult, the operation is more complicated and therefore
also takes longer, and
hospitalization is often required. As a result, the medical costs
are at least a factor of 10 larger ($1500 - $2000).
The healing process also takes longer - normally 3-4
weeks. During this time, sexual activity should be
avoided to prevent rupturing the stitches.
Then there is also a kind of "embarrassment" factor:
since a sexual organ is involved, it is often difficult
to discuss the topic with friends and colleagues
(try explaining to colleagues at work why you have
to go to the hospital for a few days!).
As a result, some men might be hesitant
to get circumcised for fear of being teased or made fun of.
Other Issues
In spite of what you might have read or heard,
there is no medical evidence that circumcision affects
the mother-child bonding in any negative way. It is
possible that the infant may be fussy for
a day or two after the circumcision, but no long-term effects
have been found;
there is no scientific evidence that circumcision disrupts the
childīs behavioral development. A recent study has shown
that infants who were circumcised without anesthesia
did show a stronger response to the immunization shots
performed at 4-6 months of age than those who
were uncircumcised or who had received pain relief
during circumcision.
It should be noted however (and even the authors
admit it) that the conclusions of the study
was based on only a small statistical sample.
In should also be noted that no credible scientific study
has ever shown long-term sensitivity
to pain as a result of infant circumcision;
will not cause your son to be violent when he grows up;
circumcision can in no way be described as being a barbaric practice.
This statement is an insult to all parents who have made an informed
decision, and with the well-being and interest of their child in mind.
By the same argument, circumcision also cannot be considered
to violate the human rights of the child, since parents have
both the legal and moral right to act in the best
interest of their child.
Finally ...
Ultimately the decision whether or not to circumcise your son lies
with you as the parents. Even though circumcision
is a minor surgical procedure, for many parents faced with the
decision the issues involved are often anything but minor.
It is totally understandable for parents to be worried about
issues like pain and safety. To make
a decision of this magnitude and importance you have to be convinced
that is the right one.
It is a huge responsibility - but that is, after all, what parenthood
is all about! Hopefully by reading the articles, testimonies
and information contained on this site and the links provided
you will have enough information to help you make the right decision.
If you are still unsure, or still have issues that you would like
to have explained, please write to us at, and
we will try our best to answer your questions. Talking to
your personal physician is also strongly recommended.
Whatever you decide, donīt be ambivalent about
this issue, and donīt allow yourselves to be influenced
by other peopleīs opinions and dubious agendas.
One day, your son will surely thank
you for your foresight and concern on his behalf.
Good luck with the decision, and congratulations!
1. E.J. Schoen, "The relationship
between circumcision and cancer of the penis",
CA Cancer J Clin 1991; 41:306-9.
2. D.T. Halperin and R.C. Bailey,
"Male circumcision and HIV infection: 10 years and counting,
Lancet 1999; 354:1813-5.
3. E. Laumann et al.,
"Circumcision in the US: Prevalence, Prophylactic Effects and
Sexual Practice", JAMA 1997; 277:1052.
4. T.E. Wiswell,
"Circumcision circumspection",
N Engl J Med 1997; 336:1244-5.
For more information and references, see also the Section
The Risks and Disadvantages of Circumcision.
5. R.H. Gray et al.,
"Age of male circumcision and risk of prevalent HIV infection
in rural Uganda",
AIDS 1999; 13:399-405.
6. A. Taddio et al.,
"Effect of neonatal circumicision on pain response during
subsequent routine vaccination",
Lancet (1997); 349(9052):599-603.
For more Information on Circumcision Issues,
see the Sections:
Additional information can be found on the ICIRC website
in the section Indications For Circumcision
(for a link,
see here).
For more technically oriented information, see the
Circumcision: the Bottom Line
Circumcision is a minor surgical procedure:
Performed on newborns, the procedure takes
only a few minutes.
With the use of anesthesia,
the procedure can be made almost painless.
Circumcision is a very safe surgical procedure.
Complications of circumcision are virtually non-existent if
the operation is carefully performed.
Parents who are worried about possible pain considerations
should talk to their pediatrician/family physician.
now gives explicit guidelines concerning the
use of anesthesia, and considers several
methods safe for the use on infants.
There is no evidence that circumcision prevents or
negatively influences mother-child bonding.
As you are acting on your childīs behalf - and in
his best interest - you as parents have both
the legal and moral right to have your son circumcised.
The AAP has furthermore come out in strong support
for this position - see
here for a discussion.
Genital hygiene is far easier to maintain after circumcision.
In addition to improved lifetime genital hygiene, circumcision offers
many health benefits
that accrue over a lifetime.
- Problems like phimosis, paraphimosis, balanitis and
posthitis are caused exclusively by the presence of
a foreskin. If not treated, these conditions can be
very painful.
- Foreskin problems also mean that sexual
intercourse is painful.
- Another condition, Frenular
chordee, results from an unusually thick and often tight
frenulum and prevents the
foreskin from fully retracting. The frenulum then tears during intercourse or
masturbation. This problem can be solved by excising the
frenulum during a circumcision.
Frenoplasty (removing just the tight frenulum) is also possible.
- Uncircumcised males have a higher risk of
sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV.
- Cancer of the penis is almost completely confined to
uncircumcised men and, less commonly, in those circumcised
after the new-born period.
In an increasingly aging population, older men who no
longer can take care of themselves often experience both physical and
emotional problems if they are
not circumcised.
The lack of a foreskin will not diminish
sexual pleasure:
the foreskin is not the only erogenous part of
the penis!
without a foreskin the risk of getting
infections - and transmitting them to
your partner - during sexual intercourse is greatly reduced
Even though circumcision
can never be 100% risk free, it will benefit your son for his whole
life. As such, the potential benefits far outweigh the risks.
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